John C. Calhoun was a Yale graduate and the seventh Vice-President of the United States (elected twice). He served as Secretary of War of the United States, as Secretary of State of the United States, and as a two-term Senator of the United States. He was also an ardent supporter of slavery in the decades before our Civil War.
Calhoun died in 1850. Eighty-two years later, when Calhoun College was named for him, there was no controversy. Calhoun was, after all, an eminent politician, an alumnus of Yale, and long since dead. But opinions changed in the subsequent 85 years, enough that Yale recently decided to rename Calhoun College. (“College” is deceiving. It does not denote a college within Yale University, it is roughly synonymous with “dormitory,” though it connotes a bit more.)
I have never been particularly fond of Calhoun (because of his pro-slavery politics), but neither am I fond of the capriciousness of public sentiment. I think Calhoun has a distinctly different argument to continue to be honored than, say, Jefferson Davis, who waged war on the United States. Calhoun died ten years before the Civil War started and he had worked hard (and successfully) to preserve the union of the states.
Davis was honorable man for his time and place, despite being deplorably wrong about slavery. He was a member of the U.S. House of Representatives, a U.S. Senator, and Secretary of War of the United States, before he joined the Confederacy. Fortunately, he lost the war and, along with it, the ability to preserve slavery.
Winston Churchill, himself both a victor and a writer, noted that history is written by the victors. But it is also written by many other people and often many years later. Those people, perhaps understandably, sometimes impose their own moral standards on people who lived generations or even centuries earlier. We now write the histories about him and Calhoun and many others, including George Washington and Thomas Jefferson. Both of those former Presidents owned slaves. They did not defend the institution of slavery quite so vociferously as Calhoun, but they benefitted from the labor of slaves until the day they died.
When Washington and Jefferson owned slaves and when Calhoun supported slavery, slavery was legal. It was abominable, of course, but it was legal. (Many people think the same today about abortion and death sentences: abominable, but legal.) That our Constitution allowed slavery to continue is an important reason that all 50 current U.S. states belong to just one country. Without the oblique references to slavery, it is unlikely the southern states would have ratified our Constitution and our bold experiment could have fractured at the outset.
Times change and the way we view former Presidents and Vice Presidents changes, even if their actions were within the range of normalcy for their time. As a proxy for normalcy, consider that the following countries, among many others, did not abolish slavery or serfdom until after Calhoun died: Ecuador, Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Russia, United States, Cuba, Poland, Netherlands (colonies), Portugal (colonies), Egypt, Bulgaria, Ottoman Empire (Turkey), Cambodia, Cuba, Brazil, Korea, Madagascar, Zanzibar, Siam (Thailand), Ethiopia, Morocco, and Afghanistan.
I hope that I am never judged by the standards of the future, it is tough enough being held to contemporaneous standards. But surely it wouldn’t be fair to judge my current morality and actions, which are steeped in 21st century America, by the mores of another time. One hundred sixty seven years after he died, that’s what we are doing to John C. Calhoun. I wonder who is next.