Presidential Statistics

The President of the United States is the most powerful person in the world.  Whether or not it’s fair, when things go well, the President gets the credit and when things go poorly, the President gets the blame.  In any given year or administration, it is possible that the Speaker of the House, the Chair of the Federal Reserve, the CEOs of the energy or auto industries (among others), the various governors, or some other person or group might have more influence on this or that national indicator. Nevertheless, I’m presenting statistics based on the last three presidential administrations.  They each comprise eight years, so comparing them is relatively fair, even though the three presidents faced different internal and external obstacles and problems.  I’m not making any value judgments.  You can do that for yourself, though I’m guessing that these statistics will not change what you already think about Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.

All statistics are presented in the same order:  number at beginning of the presidency or in the previous year, number at the end of the presidency or in the last year of the presidency, and the percentage change.  I collected information as of 12/31 because most information is available on an yearly basis.  President Clinton was in office (for our purposes) from 12/31/1992 through 12/31/2000 and President Bush from 12/31/2000 through 12/31/2008.  For President Obama, I went with the most recent statistics available; obviously we don’t yet have a full eight years for him.

All categories are presented separately with a citation to the source.

U.S. Population (millions)

Bill Clinton                    261              283              8.45%

George W. Bush            283              308              8.72%

Barrack Obama             308              323              4.87%

Nominal Gross Domestic Product ($ trillions)

Bill Clinton                      6.539        10.285        57.29%

George W. Bush            10.285        14.719        43.11%

Barrack Obama             14.719        18.036        22.54%

Gross Domestic Product per Capita

Bill Clinton                    $37,171      $44,492      19.70%

George W. Bush            $44,492      $46,951        5.50%

Barrack Obama              $46,951      $51,123        8.91%

Total Federal Debt ($ trillions)

Bill Clinton                4.065          5.674                39.58%

George W. Bush        5.674         10.024                76.67%

Barrack Obama        10.024         19.392                93.46%

Annual Federal Deficit ($ billions, change in dollars, not percentage)

Bill Clinton                      290           -236           -526

George W. Bush             -236            459            695

Barrack Obama               459             616            157

Unemployment Rate

Bill Clinton                    7.3%           4.2%           -42.5%

George W. Bush            4.2%           7.9%            88.1%

Barrack Obama             7.9%           4.9%           -38.0%

Divorces (thousands)

Bill Clinton                    1,215          944             -22.3%

George W. Bush               944          844             -10.6%

Barrack Obama                844          814               -3.5%

People in Federal and State Prison (thousands)

Bill Clinton                     884             1,381          56.2%

George W. Bush          1,381             1,610          16.6%

Barrack Obama           1,610             1,562           -3.0%

Military Spending ($ millions)

Bill Clinton                    298,356      274,769         -6.9%

George W. Bush            274,769      616,066       224.2%

Barrack Obama             616,066      604,452          -2.4%

Homicides committed with a gun

Bill Clinton                    17,488        10,828        -38.1%

George W. Bush            10,828        12,632         16.7%

Barrack Obama            12,632        10,945        -13.6%

High School Graduation Rate

Bill Clinton                    71.9%         69.8%         -2.9%

George W. Bush            69.8%         74.7%           7.0%

Barrack Obama              74.7%         83.4%         11.6%

Thank you for your suggestions.  Needless to say, I did not conduct any of the underlying research.  Using just the starting and end points is not necessarily the best way to present this information, but it is straightforward.  I could have gone on and on and on, but decided to spare you (and myself) that fate.

Finally, these statistics are not intended to provide a comprehensive picture of the years 1993 to the present.  Rather they provide a mere snapshot of a few things that happened during the presidencies of Presidents Clinton, Bush, and Obama.  I do not ascribe credit or blame, but you can.

4 thoughts on “Presidential Statistics”

  1. I think a more interesting presentation would have been a continuous timeline graph demarcated with the three presidencies. A little more work, but a much better visual.

    1. My spreadsheet capabilities aren’t at your level. Maybe next time we see each other you can give me a quick tutorial. Agree that starting point to end point chart is less appealing than a graph.

  2. A lot of nice information. Some of it is telling, some of it is confusing. Thanks for putting this together.

    1. Sorry to confuse — or is that my mission. There is no clear conclusion to be drawn about these three presidents even is they were wholly responsible for the changes indicated.

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